As a young tech startup in 2018, Kymeta Corp. needed a fresh comms strategy for its "pizza box" antenna. And what better way than with a social trend jacking strategy straight out of the oven?

As a young tech startup in 2018, Kymeta Corp. was in need of a fresh approach to communicating with stakeholders, potential customers and investors, and the general public. Already accustomed to calling their mobile antenna a “pizza box” due to its “take-away” size, my team honed in what that could mean in connection with National Pizza Day and the pizza theme in general. In 2018, Kymeta started with just a series of social posts, but other ideas they took for the future included: pizza delivery in Kymeta antenna-shaped boxes, pop-up pizza parties with free WiFi outside of sports events and in random locations throughout cities nationwide, sponsored pizza delivery at conferences, and more.