A trend jack is exactly what it sounds like: hijacking a trend to promote your business or story. If done correctly—and it so often is not done correctly—a seemingly unrelated story can ride the media coattails of something incredibly popular, and it’s not limited to social media or the news. Trend jacks can be applied to pop-up events, virtual events, and more. Known as the “trend jack queen,” I’ve linked dozens of businesses and stories to both national and international trends with significant positive results. Some highlights of my work include:
- Connected Kymeta Corp.’s “pizza box” antenna to National Pizza Day.
- Linked Whipple Observatory to Star Wars Day in multiple years to generate attention and boost touch points by more than 87% in six days (three days each in two years).
- Connected mobile solar energy company to glamping trend to boost visibility to camping, parenting, glamping, outdoor, and lifestyle bloggers and audiences.
- Won Public Relations Society of America (PRSA) Utah Chapter Newswriting Award for national media trendjack campaign resulting in 53.5 million impressions and $720,500 in earned media value in 48 hours when I linked Kymeta Corp. to the Total Solar Eclipse.